Credential Jan Wijbrans

Micropicker MPC100

Jan Wijbrans, Professor of Geology VU, about the Micropicker designed by the electronics and mechanical department of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The use of the Micropicker 

The Micropicker is used by Petrologist an geochronologist on the analysis of purified mineral fractions for chemical analysis and isotopic age determination in collaborative projects like GTSnext, iTECC and NEXUS.  
In the purification sequence, the final step to obtain 100% purity is handpicking under a binocular microscope. Classically one selects single crystals using a solid needle. Handling is tedious because the crystals do not easily stick to the needle and transport by needle of the sample grains to the glass vial is difficult. The Micropicker is designed to solve these difficulties. 

Development of the Micropicker

The head of the mineral separation laboratory started about 15 years ago using syringe needles and vacuum pumps. Much of the subsequent design focused on optimizing grain recovery and improving ergonomics for grain manipulation.

Micropicker and other systems that are available on the market.

It doesn’t compare with other systems,  it’s a unique design.

Recommendation of the Micropicker 

It is a simple device that substantially increases our efficiency.
The first prototypes we handed out to international colleagues visiting the Argon Geochronology Laboratory at VU University Amsterdam This lead to positive feedback and an ever increasing user community.

Go to the productpage of the Micropicker

More information

Precision Mechanics and Engineering Group
Joost Rosier
T +31 20 59 87439